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Camper Registration

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(registration will close when  full)

To-bring lists, what to expect, etc.

All creation waits....

BG Nature Camp, a ministry of Bethel Grove Bible Church, is an outdoor-based program that uses tools of wilderness survival and nature study as analogies to communicate the Truth of the Gospel. This program is for children entering Kindergarten through 6th grade. 

Join us as we discover how God supplies for our human needs in nature: shelter, water, fire, and food. Woven throughout, we will encounter the ways that Jesus also abundantly meets our need for love, fellowship, and grace. The natural world provides the perfect backdrop for sharing this wonderful story together. 

2024 Theme: Fire

As humans, we are the only creatures uniquely made in the image of God, and fire itself is a tool unique to humans. 

This summer at Nature Camp, our theme is fire. 

Each day, we will be retelling Bible stories in which God reveals himself  through fire - and how the humans involved are forever changed. The stories will tell of our need to be reconnected with our Creator, and how Jesus is the only one able to restore this connection. 

Campers will gather in the morning to hear the day’s story, then break into similar- age groups to practice related nature skills in the woods.